I talked to Brad today 1.10.2009. The previous time was a few days ago on the 2 cents per minute phone with a shared line (like in the old days), random people pick up the same phone line and begin dialing. The competition between the static and those dialing intruders made our limited 15 minute phone call a mere 7 minutes.
Today, Brad hunted down the crystal clear 4 cents per minute phone! Woo WOO. It was so nice to hear from him until mid-conversation I heard the alarm and new he was under attack. "I have to go, we are under attack." The base is able to warn of incoming fire fairly specific, so it must have been close. I am glad I was warned long ago about overhearing rapid fire and loud alarms.
As I refrain from sharing any political or war reasoning here, I am FRUSTRATED that he is there. I am deeply sadened for the families and service members who pay the price for this war.
I received an email from Brad today, here are some excerpts.
I noticed that almost everyone who was here through the holidays still has up their cards and letters from people back home. Several guys have poster size cards done by kids in elementary schools from back in the states. My roommate has a small one on the wall by a random 8 year old and it is all he has on the wall. It is sweet as the kid says hello and that he likes hockey. People should know that the airmen here really like things from the states.
Today I came to terms with the fact that I am not going to be able to keep the dirt and dust off anything I own. Dust is just a fact of life here in Iraq.
I have learned the it takes about 30 million gallons of fuel to keep this base going for a month. 50% of that fuel used just in generators just to run all the AC units.
I was looking at a map of Iraq and I figured out that we are almost exactly dead center of the country.
Food continues to be easy to get but not eat for me. They serve tons of carbs and meat at each meal. I am luck today as they had apples and they were grabbed up in a hurry. I was excited to see them at the office and was able to get 2. I will enjoy them tonight as a nice treat. By the way, these are nothing like Washington apples, these are little bitty guys that you would pass by at the store but for here they are a hot item.
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